Safe and Sound

FCC Vision Statement: Building on Exposition, Centering on Christ, Dying in Community, Serving on Mission

Genesis 33:1-20

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Safe and Sound — Pastor Lonnie D. Bell, Jr.
Genesis 33:1-20
Sermon Series: Genesis
August 11, 2019

DEEP SHEET: Sermon Study Questions
   In what ways is this passage a climax?
2.   What does it mean to say that God may weaken us in order to prepare us?
3.   What does Esau’s attitude towards Jacob tell us about God’s workings?
4.   Where do we see Jacob’s folly in this story? What does it mean to say that God folds our folly into his faithfulness?
5.   Why is it necessary for Jacob to remain separate from Esau?
6.   How do the final verses connect us back to Abraham, and why is this important?

References: Genesis 27:41; 32:6; 28:15; Ephesians 3:20; Genesis 32:11; 12:6.