Exalted Over Egypt

FCC Vision Statement: Building on Exposition, Centering on Christ, Dying in Community, Serving on Mission

Genesis 41:38-57

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Exalted Over Egypt — Pastor Lonnie D. Bell, Jr.
Genesis 41:38-57
Sermon Series: Genesis
October 27, 2019

DEEP SHEET: Sermon Study Questions
   How does the story of Joseph reassure us that there are answers to all of life’s “what” and “why” questions? How are we tempted to think otherwise?
2.   What makes Joseph’s exaltation so remarkable? How does it increase our confidence that nothing is impossible with the Lord?
3.   How does the time of fruitfulness bring us back to Genesis 1-3? What does it say about God?
4.   Discuss how Joseph’s character is presented in this narrative. Where do we see his faith?
5.   How does the end of this passage point us back to God’s promise to Abraham and forward to the fulfillment in Christ?

References: Genesis 41:16, 25, 28, 32; Ephesians 1:17; Exodus 31:3; Proverbs 2:6; Genesis 50:20; 12:3.