The Man With His Wife

FCC Vision Statement: Building on Exposition, Centering on Christ, Dying in Community, Serving on Mission

Genesis 2:18-25

(NOTE:  Allow 30-90 seconds after clicking the START-arrow or Download-button for recording to begin.)

The Man With His Wife -- Lonnie Bell
Sermon Series: Genesis
Genesis 2:18-25
22 April 2018

Sermon Study Questions

1.  How is God presented as a loving Father in Genesis 2?
2.  Why is isolation not God’s will for human beings? In what ways do you see a tendency towards isolation in yourself?
3.  How does God prepare the man to recognize the immense value of his wife?
4.  How does this account of creation run contrary to Evolution?
5.  In what ways does this passage instruct us about the nature and dignity of marriage? What are some practical ways that we can respond in our own marriages?
6.  How does this passage ultimately point us to the gospel?

References: Genesis 1:26-28; Ecclesiastes 4:9-12; Proverbs 31:11-12, 27-28; Proverbs 18:22; 1 Timothy 2:13; 1 Corinthians 11:8-9; Ephesians 5:22-33; 1 Peter 3:7; Matthew 19:5.

Days 4-6: Fullness Towards Dominion, Part 3

FCC Vision Statement: Building on Exposition, Centering on Christ, Dying in Community, Serving on Mission

Genesis 1:26-31

(NOTE:  Allow 30-90 seconds after clicking the START-arrow or Download-button for recording to begin.)

Days 4-6: Fullness Towards Dominion, Part 3 -- Lonnie Bell
Sermon Series: Genesis
Genesis 1:26-31
25 February 2018

Deep Sheet:  Sermon Study Questions

1.  Whom do you tend to exclude from the category of image-bearer?
2.  Where have you witnessed negativity and ingratitude regarding reproduction and children? How have you seen these attitudes in your own heart?
3.  What does Genesis 1:26-31 tell us about human sexuality? In what ways does it confront our culture?
4.  What does it mean to say that human reproduction is not animalistic in nature?
5.  In what ways does this passage explode with implications for parenting?
6.  What does this passage communicate about God’s goodness? How does it encourage us to hope in Christ?

References: Genesis 9:6; James 3:9; Psalm 127:3-5; Romans 1:26-27; Matthew 6:25-34; Matthew 6:11; 1 Timothy 6:17; 1 Corinthians 10:31.

Days 4-6: Fullness Towards Dominion, Part 2

FCC Vision Statement: Building on Exposition, Centering on Christ, Dying in Community, Serving on Mission

Genesis 1:26-31

(NOTE:  Allow 30-90 seconds after clicking the START-arrow or Download-button for recording to begin.)

Days 4-6: Fullness Towards Dominion, Part 2 -- Lonnie Bell
Sermon Series:  Genesis
Genesis 1:26-31
18 February 2018

Deep Sheet:  Sermon Study Questions

1.  What are some textual clues that vv. 26-31 are a climax to the creation account?
2.  What role has the doctrine that man is made in God’s image played in your everyday life?  In what obvious ways do we see our culture ignoring or rejecting this truth?
3.  How are we like God in our nature, and how do we represent him in our role?  How do these truths call us to education, science and technology, and care for the environment?
4.  What do these verses tell us about the relationship between God and man?  How do they affect the way we perceive and relate to other human beings?
5.  What does it mean that human beings are both the greatest pointer and the greatest temptation?
6.  How does this passage direct us to Christ?

References: Genesis 5:3; John 4:24; Genesis 2:15, 17, 19; Psalm 24:1; 8:5-6; Genesis 5:1-2; Luke 10:27; Acts 17:26; James 3:9; Genesis 9:6; Colossians 1:15; 1 Corinthians 15:27; John 14:31; Ephesians 5:25.

Days 4-6: Fullness Towards Dominion, Part 1

FCC Vision Statement: Building on Exposition, Centering on Christ, Dying in Community, Serving on Mission

Genesis 1:14-25

Days 4-6: Fullness Towards Dominion, Part 1 -- Lonnie Bell
Sermon Series:  Genesis
Genesis 1:14-25
11 February 2018

Deep Sheet Questions - 2/11/2018 - Days 4-6: Fullness Towards Dominion, Pt 1 - Genesis 1:14-25

1. What are the various ways in which Genesis 1 points us to Christ? How does the New Testament describe his role in creation?

2. Why do you think God waited until Day 4 to make the sun, moon, and stars?

3. What amazes you most about creation? Why is it tempting to replace the Creator with the created, and what are some ways we do this today?

4. How does Psalm 8 direct us towards a proper response to what we observe in the heavens?

5. Why is God’s account of the creation of animals incompatible with Darwinian evolution?

References: 2 Corinthians 3:18; Colossians 1:16; Deuteronomy 4:19; Psalm 19:1; Psalm 8; Job 41:1; Psalm 104:24-25.