Trouble in the Land

FCC Vision Statement: Building on Exposition, Centering on Christ, Dying in Community, Serving on Mission

Genesis 34:1-31

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Trouble in the Land — Pastor Lonnie D. Bell, Jr.
Genesis 34:1-31
Sermon Series: Genesis
August 18, 2019

DEEP SHEET: Sermon Study Questions
  How does this passage illustrate the destructive power of lust and anger in the human heart?
2.   How would intermarrying with the Hivites have affected Jacob’s family?
3.   How is Jacob depicted throughout this narrative, and what are some implications for us?
4.   Discuss the fact that Jacob’s sons repeat the sin of their father.  How have you witnessed generational sin at work in your life and the lives of your children?
5.   How does Genesis 49 help us interpret the sins of Simeon and Levi?
6.   How does this story taken in context point to the power and grace of God?  How does it point to Christ as our only hope?

References: Genesis 28:15; 33:18; Ephesians 4:26-27; Proverbs 14:29; Judges 3:5-7; Genesis 27:35; Genesis 49:5-7.